Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Compare Auto Insurance

You're looking for and confused compare Auto insurance quote?, Maybe these tips can be a bit under consideration do not forget I enclose information / quote for your car insurance study:


1. Quality:
Make sure first that will diipilih insurance including insurance categories that have been received prediket Best General Insurance, because with this certification clearly shows that the insurance is reliable, trusted, and proven responsibility in serving the customer claim.

2. Cost Own Risk (Own Risk):
We recommend choosing insurance to receive 1 (one) claim it but a collection of some of the impact / collision in the event different, so maybe in a year enough time to shop 1 insurance and pay a one time OR your car body back smoothly because done by the workshop or garage trusted official (authorized). Save and efficient.

3. Work:
Many are applying some insurance cheap rate, but the work of the workshop was not qualified associates and customers unsatisfactory. Remember that your vehicle is a valuable asset, do not Sepelekan using dubious insurance services just because the price difference a little.

4. Spare Parts
Spare parts are the most important part in your car, make sure the insurance guarantee spare part that used the original with warranty. Be careful with insurance that does not guarantee this so fatal consequences.

5. Responsibility to Third Parties (TJH / TPL) and the PA (Personal Accident):
This feature should be observed carefully because at the time of the accident hit a motorcycle crash example sometimes - sometimes 3rd party even more severe damage than us. Here dipelukan role of this feature, we suggest you choose an insurance with the responsibility to the big three, so you tebebebani no extra cost. Likewise with personal accident protection features driver / passenger it is also very necessary. Select insurance which is included with this feature.

6. Free Service Protection 24 Hours:
This is a very, very important when we choose the car insurance. This feature needs to be considered for those of you who love to travel far (touring).

7. SRCC (Strike, Riot and Civil commotion):
This feature is highly recommended insurance that will ensure the risk resulting from a disturbance of public order committed by a group of people, and the actions the authorities in taking actions against such interference, whether related to the strike and counteraction to work, and civil unrest which took political bemotif. Also ensure the expansion of insurance losses caused by water overflowing out of the normal limits of the river, lakes, swamps, jebolnya floodgates, dams jebolnya, continuous rain that can not be accommodated by water channels. Damage due to flooding include damage to the interior, exterior, dashboard panels, mechanical, electrical and other damage to the insured vehicle bemotor. Select insurance already included this feature.

8. Flexibility In Payment (auto insurance quotes online ):
Choose your car insurance premium payments flexible, can be done with cash, transfer, or credit card (Visa / Mastercard). This may help your financial management.

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